Some companies are using Artificial Intelligence to screen candidates. Candidates are invited, often without prior notice, to an online site that evaluates fitness for the job and company. It is a one way video that discerns a candidate’s word choice, rate of speech, facial reactions, comparing and ranking candidates for likeliness of success.
Here are some tips to help through this process:
* Read the Terms of Agreement and understand how they will use your video, and how long
the employer will keep it.
* Practice beforehand and think through your performance.
* Test your audio and video beforehand.
* Schedule when there will be NO interruptions – control your environment.
* If you have the sniffles, consider rescheduling.
* Sit on a straight back chair, not a swivel chair (you’ll move, even if unintentionally).
* Dress professionally – solid colors, remove eyeglasses (if you can still see), simple
makeup, tone down shiny face or bald head.
* Speak crisply and clearly, cite your value, and give and be your best self.
* Choose the right words to convey your message, paint a picture with words.
* Minimize gestures.
* Have a quiet background, good lighting in front of you, camera at eye level and look at the
camera (not the screen).
* If you draw a blank, pause, take a deep breathe to relax, repeat the question and answer
as best you can.
* If you run out of time, avoid acting flustered, rather portray confidence in yourself.
* Some questions are deliberately complex to add stress – show that you handle pressure
* The best interviewees look and sound like existing employees, so practice, practice,
* Don’t expect ANY feedback.
