Inflation is at 3% and new salaries are averaging 4.4% so if you get a 3% raise, all you're getting is enough to cover the cost of increases. If you're being offered a 4.4% raise as a candidate or employee you are only gaining 1.4% to put in savings or purchase anew. That's not enough. Let's strengthen your negotiations skills.
Once you get to the second interview, ask HR for a copy of their Benefits Package so that you can identify up to 3 items that you might like to negotiate. Many people want to negotiation for more money and vacation.
Learn to separate Receiving an Offer from Negotiating an Offer. Companies often tell a candidate beforehand that they'll be receiving an offer; they don't want them going to another company while they prepare their offer. Keep your emotions in check while you gather all of the information about their offer and their benefits. GATHER INFORMATION, BUT DO NOT REACT TO THEIR OFFER! Understand in real terms how much you'd make as a base, actual bonus if available, and the cost of benefits. The most you may wish to tell them is, "I was hoping for more with the strength of my background, but let me think about it."
Do not immediately negotiate. Take a day or two to get away from the excitement of the offer and think more logically about it. Taking time will not lose you the job. Research salaries on line, do the math so you have realistic numbers, see yourself successfully negotiating your offer and only negotiate if you are feeling well.
No matter what level of job you have, it is important that you learn to negotiate well. Even if you feel intimidated by the thought, stretch yourself so that you become better skilled for the next time, and the next. You won't get more unless you ask for it, so ask for it.
PS And if you need help negotiating an offer, email me at and I'll help, free of charge of course. Here's to more money in your wallet, Maya